Turkey Feather Wreath Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I’m still nowhere near started with preparations. As usual, my hubby and I bit off more than we can chew with the interior painting project as it has been all-consuming. And did I mention we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 14 people?


Anyways, if you’re anything like me, you’re looking for some quick-and-easy Thanksgiving-themed decorations you can put together in a hurry but look like you slaved away at it. Well, what says “Turkey Day” better than a wreath that has turkey feathers in it?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 18″ diameter grapevine wreath
  • 2″ x 12′ burlap ribbon roll
  • 2 silk sunflowers
  • 10 turkey tail feathers
  • glue gun & glue sticks
  • 3′ jute twine

 Here’s what to do: 

Cut 3 feet off the ribbon and set aside. Wrap the wreath with the remaining ribbon and secure the ends with glue. (I used wired burlap ribbon- it’s more expensive but it stays in place a lot better).Turkey Feather Wreath Tutorial

Arrange the larger turkey feathers on the wreath and glue into place. I tucked my turkey feathers underneath the ribbon which made them easier to arrange, but it also made it harder to glue them into place.

Continue adding turkey feathers in the opposite direction and add a second layer of turkey feathers on top. Trim the quill end of the feathers if needed. Glue all into place. Turkey Feather Wreath Tutorial

Glue silk sunflowers on the wreath facing slightly upward to make room for the bow that you will tie with remaining ribbon. Glue on the bow below the sunflowers. Turkey Feather Wreath Tutorial

Run the jute twine around the wreath, tie into a loop, and hang. Beautiful and easy-peasy! :)

Please let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy making this as much as I did! (And the fact that I enjoyed making it despite the 50,000 other things I’ve got to finish before Turkey Day says a lot for it!) 😉



  1. says

    Cute wreath Michelle! I hear you about biting off more than you can chew! I took on a craft show that will be held a week from this Saturday. Thankfully I don’t have Thanksgiving dinner here, because my house looks like a craft store blew up in it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!


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