Hey everyone! Long time no see 🙂
After a lot of thought, I have decided to change the blog name from Bianchi’s Barn to The Painted Hinge.
It was a tough decision. Bianchi’s Barn was named after the old barn that used to be on my grandparent’s farm, so the name is obviously very sentimental to me.
But, unfortunately, some people didn’t get it. Some saw “Bianchi” and assumed the blog was just about Italian stuff. Or they would see “Barn” and assume it was just about livestock or farming. Sure, I hit on those subjects every now and again, but it certainly doesn’t encompass everything this blog is about.
I decided I wanted to rename the blog with something that is very generic-sounding, yet unique enough to make people want to check it out, yet still have that home-and-garden-blog-that-repurposes-old-stuff-with-a-country-flair ring to it. I’m not asking too much there, am I? 😉
When I first decided I wanted to do a home and garden blog and was trying to think up a name, I thought “Okay, what says, basically, “repurposed country”? I would picture barns (obviously), barn doors, garden gates, etc. Then I got to thinking about hinges, like barn hinges, gate hinges, squeaky, hinges, etc., but all those phrases were already taken as blog names or just plain all over the Internet already. I wanted something original. Bianchi’s Barn was definitely that.
But, even long after I created this blog, I still thought about hinges for some reason. Now, I’ve always been a hardware junkie, but it’s always been about cool looking clothes hooks, glass door knobs, fancy drawer pulls, you get the idea. Never much with hinges.
When I realized some people weren’t getting “Bianchi’s Barn” and needed to think up a new name, I couldn’t get hinges out of my head. I actually became a little unhinged with the whole thing. (Stop groaning- you knew you were going to see that pun here eventually.) A few days later, I was looking at Pinterest when I came across a picture of an old barn door with- you guessed it- painted hinges. I was like, hmmm… painted hinges? What sounds good using that… ummm… errrr… The Painted Hinge?
I Googled it. Nothing. No one had anything even close to it. There was stuff about painted hinges (like how to remove paint from hinges) but no blog, website, shop, business, or otherwise is named The Painted Hinge.
In other words, it was perfect. 🙂
So, there’s the story of the name change.
This is the first time I’ve ever attempted to rename a blog, and unfortunately it’s not as simple as changing the old URL to the new one and creating a new logo. I did my best to preserve everything from the old blog, but I may have overlooked some things. If you happen to find any broken links, missing comments, or your email subscription doesn’t work anymore, or anything else that’s screwed up, please let me know and I will fix it. I am also working on redirecting links from Pinterest and such to the exact post, so if you were just redirected to the home page and have to click through to get to the content you are looking for, I apologize. But please feel free to enjoy the other content here that you find along the way 🙂
As I mentioned before, I realize it’s been a LONG time since I’ve posted any content… I didn’t realize how long until I wrote this post. It’s amazing how time can get away from you when you are focused on other things. My dad was having complicaitons from his heart surgery and has been in out of the hospital over the last few months. It was touch and go there for a while, but he has improved greatly over the last few weeks; enough to where my mom and I feel safe enough to go “whew.” 🙂 Also, I have been helping my husband with is contracting business by building a website for it here and a Facebook page here.
Anyways, with all that taken care of, I plan to start posting here in earnest, so I hope you will stay tuned! 🙂 And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below! 🙂
Love the name
Thank you Joan! 🙂
Can’t wait! Love the name, loved the old name.
Thanks Debbie! 🙂 I loved the old name too 🙂
I appreciate your sharing about the struggles of a blog name change. I have renamed and refocused the purpose of both of my blogs once, and it took a lot of work. I’ve thought about changing the name of Future Expat since it really doesn’t explain what the site is about. It started out as a travel diary, but quickly evolved into a blog more about recipes, dogs and blogging tips than my few and far between trips. I ended up deciding to leave the name alone from the advice of a good friend who has a blog that is her full time job. I can say that people always chuckle when they hear the name and my explanation…”it started as a travel diary but I don’t travel enough so I mostly write about…”. Anyway, I do like the new name and plan to explore more. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 It’s never an easy decision that’s for sure. Now that a few months have passed, I can say that it was the right decision. If my blog was getting a ton of traffic under the old name, I probably wouldn’t have done it, but since it wasn’t and I was at the point where I wanted to really give it my all, it was a now or never kinda thing. I know myself well enough to know that if I hadn’t changed it, I would be eternally asking myself “Should I have changed it?” Thanks again for your feedback and I’ll make sure to check out your sites as well! 🙂