Welcome to Farmhouse Friday!

Hey there! How was your week?
I was excited last week that summertime had finally arrived, and boy has it ever! We hit 105 degrees on Monday and it’s been in the 100’s all week. The heat made for a good excuse to stay indoors and take care of some things I’ve neglected around the house.
One of the cons of having a big house is when I get super busy it’s really easy to shove stuff into a closet or a room that’s not being used a lot with the thought of “I’ll deal with it later.” The problem is that after a while, I end up with several “I’ll deal with it laters” stashes all over the house.
Note: If you live in a small house and are saying to yourself “I wish I had that problem!”, I hear you. The house we lived in before building this one was 824 square feet on a good day. It sucked as far as having no storage space, but it was LOT easier to clean. And even though it was small, it was cute as a button! My point is that there are pros and cons to everything, including a big house!
My main goal this week was to get our closet in our guest bedroom cleaned out and it’s contents moved into our upstairs storage closet. I was using it to store my “decor overflow” – decor stuff that I rotate in and out around our house. Here’s another example of everything having it’s pros and cons – it’s nice to have an excuse (the blog) to have a lot of decor, but I also need a place to store it all when I don’t have it out.
Up until now, we’ve been using our upstairs closet – a closet that is 7 x 7 feet of prime storage space – for our dirty laundry. We had 6 laundry baskets on the floor to dump our dirty laundry into as well as a table to pile up our clean laundry instead of putting it away fold our clean laundry before putting it away. In other words, it wasn’t a great way utilize the storage space, and it was just too easy to keep dumping dirty laundry inside until it was piled up so high it’d make an Everest climber cry.
It was time to clean out the closet Marie Kondo style – decide what decor still “gives me joy” and either sell or donate all the rest. The results? I’d say around 95% of it still gave me joy! 😀 But at least I was able to get all my joy moved upstairs into a space that was twice the size and I could actually see everything I have.

I didn’t get any before pictures of the closet downstairs, but just imagine these three shelves completely packed with stuff to the ceiling and shoehorned into a closet half the size where the door wouldn’t open without knocking stuff off of the shelves, and you’ve got the picture.
This Week’s Features:

Make Farmhouse-Inspired Rustic Rope Placemats by yarn scissors silk
Ashley shares her easy DIY place mats that look just like the ones you’d pay big bucks for at the stores!

How to Stencil a Farmhouse Cotton Bag by Raggedy Bits
Sam shares how she stenciled this farmhouse inspired cotton bag that is perfect for shopping at your local farmer’s market!

Gardener’s Terracotta Cupboard by Dabbling and Decorating
Ann raises the bar on the current terracotta pot trend with this gorgeous cupboard-full! It looks so gorgeous on her porch!

DIY Rustic Wooden Patriotic Stars by TeeDiddlyDee
Tiffany shows you how to get the most bang out of your patriotic bucks with these gorgeous rustic stars made out of plywood!
The party rules are super simple! Link up your favorite DIY projects, decor projects, and crafts that are farmhouse style. If it doesn’t fit into that description, please don’t link it up. Please, no food/recipe posts. You can link up your new and old posts alike as long as you only link them up here once.
I don’t require you to link back to this party, but if you do, I would sure appreciate it! I also don’t require you visit or comment on other blogger’s linkups, but it’s always a nice way to share the bloggy love! Comments are like Skittles to bloggers – we love them and we can’t get enough of them! By linking up, you will get a chance to be featured here at next week’s party and across my social media. If you pin anything from the party, please pin it from the original source.
By linking up to this party, you agree to give me permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and
Thanks so much for joining us at Farmhouse Friday this week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and week ahead and I’ll see you back here next Friday!
Good for you for working on getting your home organized. I need to be locked in my house with my husband for a solid week. If we both worked on our junky spaces, we could get some serious organizing completed. Problem is, I’m the only one interested in getting organized!
Thanks for hosting!
LOL Paula I feel your pain! My hubs hates organizing but it always happy with the results when it’s all done 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and I hope you’re having a great week!
You are so ambitious to tackle your home decor stash, Michelle! It is always so tough for me to decide what goes and what stays. I need to do it though, to get more organized. Thanks again for hosting, by the way, and a huge thanks for featuring my DIY Patriotic Stars! I really do appreciate it! Have a wonderful week!
Tee @ Teedidldydee
You’re very welcome Tee! Thanks so much for sharing your Patriotic Stars with us and I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Thanks for hosting! Love seeing your stash room!
You’re welcome Amber, and thank you! 🙂
Finally! A blog post on organizing and storing home decor. I have been looking for ideas for-ev-er.
Question – how do you organize the little pieces that are for special days or occasions. I have had mine in bankers boxes, but that isn’t really working for me. Thank you so much for this post.
Hi Pamela! If you’re talking about seasonal stuff, as of right now I put them in clear plastic totes and keep them in a old house we have on the property. The house isn’t livable right now so we are using it for storage until we get it fixed up. When that happens all the totes will go into our attic. No matter what I never seem to have enough room for it all! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hi Michelle, I did this earlier in the year to prepare for a big move. I pared down tremendously but you’d never know it by looking at my current storage room. haha. Thanks for hosting, have a great weekend!
You’re very welcome Debra! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!