You’re welcome Kippi! Happy Fall!
]]>Thank you Tanya! If you’d like some info on what I’ve been doing to detox from the vaccine please feel free to email me at [email protected]. I hope you feel better soon!
]]>My doctor is the one who told me that my symptoms are from the covid vaccine. When I went to see him, I didn’t even suspect the vaccine was causing my symptoms. My doctor told me that several of his patients have had similar reactions to the vaccine. Also, since I wrote about this over the last few weeks I’ve had several people reach out to me saying they’ve had similar reactions to the vaccine.
You are not seeing a lot about covid vaccine long haul issues in the media because the media is trying to supress anyone who complains of any long haul side effects because they don’t want to scare anyone off from getting vaccinated. I understand this, and although the people affected by long haul symptoms may not be the majority, people still need to know about them so they can make an informed choice about whether or not to get the vaccine.