Okay, I know I’m totally ripping off my own project Funnel And Wine Barrel Wreath Tutorial, but I just couldn’t help myself… I had this idea in my head ever since I did that wreath and I had to get it OUT of there! 🙂 Basically, the only difference is I replaced the funnel with [read more…]
Funnel And Wine Barrel Wreath Tutorial
There’s Two Ultimate Truths about old wine barrels: They’re very cool looking. They fall apart if you look crosseyed at them. Because of this, I have a lot of wine barrel parts lying about which I’ve kept in the hopes of someday finding a way to repurpose them. That someday is today! 🙂 Since it [read more…]
Glass Electrical Insulator Vase Stand Tutorial
If you’re like me, you like to collect shiny things. If you’re really like me, you don’t know what to do with the shiny things once you’ve collected them. So my collections end up in one of my cupboards collecting dust. Antique glass electrical insulators are one of those shiny things I like to collect. I’ve seen [read more…]
Wall Planter Repurposed From A Water Fountain
I’ve always wanted water fountain on our upper deck. I finally found one I liked- and it was on sale! It was a cute little faux-stone fiberglass number with faux-carved swirls and flowers and a little faux-spicket. I bought it and took my new acquisition home, dreaming of relaxing in my hammock on my upper [read more…]
How To Darken Paint The Easy Way!
Hey Everyone! Don’t you hate it when you have a certain color in mind for a project, but you can’t find it anywhere? Or the color s you do find are too bright and/or too light? This happens to me ALL the time. I used to be scared of mixing my own custom paint colors [read more…]
How To Clean Old Bottles The Quick And Easy Way!
Hey Friends! 🙂 I love to decorate with old antique bottles! Usually I can score some cheap old bottles at the local flea markets. Unfortunately, when it comes to flea market finds, “cheap” is usually synonymous with “not clean.” And trying to clean old bottles with bottle brushes is a pain in the you-know-what. I’ve [read more…]
The Chippy Paint Layered Look Using Chalk Paint
Hey Friends! I am becoming totally addicted to painting with chalk paint! These days as I wonder around my house I look at stuff and think “I need to paint that!” So why did I go out and buy a couple of wood trays to paint, you ask? Because One Kings Lane asked me to [read more…]
5 Tips for Antiquing & Distressing Furniture
Hello! 🙂 I’ve been asked a lot for tips for antiquing and distressing furniture. I’m certainly by no means an expert, but I have learned a few things working on projects both on and off the blog and I thought I’d share. 🙂 The following tips are for antiquing and distressing a project to look like an actual vintage [read more…]
Herb Drying Rack Repurposed From A Picture Frame
Hey Friends! Long time no see 😉 I like to dry my herbs by hanging them off of shelves in my enclosed pantry because it keeps the dust that gets on the drying herbs to a bare minimum. Unfortunately, when I try to get something off the shelves I inevitably brush against the drying herbs, which causes them to break [read more…]
Squash Growing Racks Made Out Of Pallets
Hey Friends! 🙂 I have 4′ x 4′ raised beds in my veggie garden, and no matter what I do, my squash plants always outgrow them and run all over the gravel paths in between the beds. I’ve even planted one right smack in the middle of a bed, and it still outgrew it and ran [read more…]