Hi Friends! One of the many things I love about the Christmas season is baking holiday cookie recipes for parties and cookie exchanges with my family and friends! But in this busy season, sometimes it’s hard to find the time to make something from scratch for those last-minute parties (or if you’re like me, those [read more…]
Cranberry Bundt Cake Recipe
Happy Friday people! Here’s a recipe for a tasty cranberry bundt cake! It’s a bit different than most cranberry cake recipes that I’ve seen because it uses a can of cranberry sauce instead of whole cranberries. You get the sweet-yet-tart flavor of the cranberries evenly throughout the whole cake. And this is so super easy [read more…]
Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake Recipe
Happy Saturday! Do you remember back in the day (yes, I’m dating myself here) when pumpkins were only used for three things: Pumpkin Pie Jack O’ Lanterns Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (and that’s only if you carved #2) Now, September rolls around and the Pumpkin Parade Of Everything begins! Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Pumpkin Air Fresheners! Pumpkin Beer! [read more…]
The Best Banana Bread Recipe Ever!
Hey friends! 🙂 As fall arrives and the weather cools down, I find myself wanting to bake a lot more. I’ve been meaning to share this recipe for a while now, and a little cooler weather is all the motivation I need! 🙂 This banana bread recipe is adapted from the book How to Cook [read more…]