Hey there! 🙂 How you doin’? Due to popular demand, I have included numbers, symbols, and punctuation in my free printables rustic banner letters collection! Now you can download and print them ALL… letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, common punctuation, and a cute heart! You can get all the letters here: Free Printables Rustic Banner Letters [read more…]
Free Printables Rustic Banner Letters A-Z
Hey there! I hope you had an awesome weekend! Last week I posted Happy Fall Y’All Banner and have been getting a lot of requests to make the entire alphabet. Well my dear readers, your wish is my command! 🙂 These are perfect for Fall decorating or any time you want to add a rustic [read more…]
How To Paint Mason Jars With Nail Polish
Hello there! Are you ready for the weekend? I know I sure am! 🙂 Don’t you just hate it when your nail polish goes bad? It seems like I buy a bottle, use it once (if I’m lucky), and then throw it away a year later because it got all thick and gunky. I know [read more…]
Happy Fall Y’all Banner Free Printables
Hey there! I’m glad you stopped by! I hope you had an awesome weekend! 🙂 I’m continuing with my Fall themed printables with a Happy Fall Y’all banner. Banners are all the rage these days, so I thought I’d jump in on all the fun and make one of my own for Fall! And I’ve included all [read more…]
Funnel And Wine Barrel Wreath Tutorial
There’s Two Ultimate Truths about old wine barrels: They’re very cool looking. They fall apart if you look crosseyed at them. Because of this, I have a lot of wine barrel parts lying about which I’ve kept in the hopes of someday finding a way to repurpose them. That someday is today! 🙂 Since it [read more…]
Fall Decorating Ideas & Projects
Today I am sharing a collection of my favorite Fall decorating ideas and projects. This is otherwise known in the blogging world as “I didn’t have time to put anything together for today’s post so I’m doing a roundup of stuff I’ve done in the past.” But just because it’s old stuff doesn’t mean it’s [read more…]
Fall Themed Tags Free Printable
Fall is right around the corner! I am already dreaming of the chill in the air and the smell of the fallen leaves! And let’s not forget the fresh apple cider! 🙂 It’s cooler here than it normally is this time of year, so I think we just might get an early Fall. I don’t [read more…]
Shapes Of Fall Free Printable
Can you believe it’s already August?!? I sure can’t! And fall is just around the corner! Fall is absolutely my favorite time of year. Even though Fall is a precursor for the busy holiday season, there is still a sense of slowing down and becoming quiet in the air that I love. And the craft stores are [read more…]
Turkey Feather Thanksgiving Wreath Tutorial
Hey everyone! Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I’m still nowhere near started with preparations. As usual, my hubby and I bit off more than we can chew with the interior painting project as it has been all-consuming. And did I mention we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 14 people? *breathe* Anyways, if you’re [read more…]
Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake Recipe
Happy Saturday! Do you remember back in the day (yes, I’m dating myself here) when pumpkins were only used for three things: Pumpkin Pie Jack O’ Lanterns Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (and that’s only if you carved #2) Now, September rolls around and the Pumpkin Parade Of Everything begins! Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Pumpkin Air Fresheners! Pumpkin Beer! [read more…]