upcycle ā€“ The Painted Hinge http://www.thepaintedhinge.com A Home and Garden Blog Celebrating Farmhouse Style! Sun, 25 Sep 2016 07:00:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.1 71409862 DIY Curtain Rod Makeover Using Drawer Pulls http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2016/01/08/diy-curtain-rod-makeover-using-drawer-pulls/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2016/01/08/diy-curtain-rod-makeover-using-drawer-pulls/#comments Sat, 09 Jan 2016 02:31:43 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[Decor]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Everyday]]> <![CDATA[curtain rod]]> <![CDATA[drawer pull]]> <![CDATA[repurpose]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=5711 <![CDATA[
Curtain Rod Makeover Using Drawer Pulls

Hey there! I hope the New Year has treated you well so far! šŸ™‚ Iā€™m in the middle of making over our master bedroom and I wanted to do something spectacular with my boring old curtain rods without either spending a lot of money or replacing them altogether. The curtain rods had the generic ball-tippedĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2016/01/08/diy-curtain-rod-makeover-using-drawer-pulls/feed/ 38 5711
Thrift Store Pitchers Makeover http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/11/11/thrift-store-pitchers-makeover/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/11/11/thrift-store-pitchers-makeover/#comments Wed, 11 Nov 2015 23:04:58 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[Decor]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Everyday]]> <![CDATA[makeover]]> <![CDATA[paint]]> <![CDATA[spray paint]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=5262 <![CDATA[
Thrift Store Pitchers Makeover

Hey Friends! White pitchers are the in-thing for Farmhouse decor! I mean, donā€™t even thinkĀ aboutĀ decorating in Farmhouse style without throwing (not literally, ā€™cause theyā€™d break) a pitcher or two in somewhere. The problem is when something gets popular, it also gets pricey! I donā€™tĀ like paying a lotĀ of money for something that may eventually go outĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/11/11/thrift-store-pitchers-makeover/feed/ 44 5262
Sideboard Buffet Hutch Chalk Paint Makeover http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/10/02/sideboard-buffet-hutch-chalk-paint-makeover/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/10/02/sideboard-buffet-hutch-chalk-paint-makeover/#comments Fri, 02 Oct 2015 07:00:57 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[chalk paint]]> <![CDATA[entryways]]> <![CDATA[farmhouse]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=4763 <![CDATA[
Sideboard Hutch Buffet Makeover

Hey Friends! So Iā€™ve been wanting an antique sideboard to re-finish and put in my entryway. My entryway is quite large because we have an open floor plan, and I needed a bigger-than-normal table to fill up the long, empty wall beside the front door. I tried a regular-sized entryway table, but it just lookedĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/10/02/sideboard-buffet-hutch-chalk-paint-makeover/feed/ 56 4763
How To Paint Mason Jars With Nail Polish http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/21/how-to-paint-mason-jars-with-nail-polish/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/21/how-to-paint-mason-jars-with-nail-polish/#comments Fri, 21 Aug 2015 07:00:30 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[Crafts]]> <![CDATA[Everyday]]> <![CDATA[Seasonal]]> <![CDATA[autumn]]> <![CDATA[fall]]> <![CDATA[mason jars]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=4381 <![CDATA[
How To Paint Mason Jars With Nail Polish

Hello there! Are you ready for the weekend? I know I sure am! šŸ™‚ Donā€™t you just hate it when your nail polish goes bad? It seems like I buy a bottle, use it once (if Iā€™m lucky), and then throw it away a year later because it got all thick and gunky. I knowĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/21/how-to-paint-mason-jars-with-nail-polish/feed/ 38 4381
Funnel And Wine Barrel Wreath Tutorial http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/14/funnel-and-wine-barrel-wreath-tutorial/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/14/funnel-and-wine-barrel-wreath-tutorial/#comments Fri, 14 Aug 2015 07:00:32 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Garden]]> <![CDATA[autumn]]> <![CDATA[fall]]> <![CDATA[farmhouse]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> <![CDATA[wreaths]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=4298 <![CDATA[
Fall Wreath From A Repurposed Funnel And Wine Barrel

Thereā€™s Two Ultimate Truths about old wine barrels: Theyā€™re very cool looking. They fall apart if you look crosseyed at them. Because of this, I have a lot of wine barrel parts lying about which Iā€™ve kept in the hopes of someday finding a way to repurpose them. That someday is today! šŸ™‚ Since itĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/08/14/funnel-and-wine-barrel-wreath-tutorial/feed/ 39 4298
Glass Electrical Insulator Vase Stand Tutorial http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/31/electric-insulator-vase-stand-tutorial/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/31/electric-insulator-vase-stand-tutorial/#comments Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:00:33 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[flowers]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=4187 <![CDATA[
Glass Electrical Insulator Vase Stand Tutorial

If youā€™re like me, you like to collect shiny things. If youā€™reĀ reallyĀ like me, you donā€™t know what to do with the shiny things once youā€™ve collected them. So my collections end up in one of my cupboards collecting dust.Ā Ā  Antique glass electrical insulators are one of those shiny things I like to collect. Iā€™ve seenĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/31/electric-insulator-vase-stand-tutorial/feed/ 33 4187
Wall Planter Repurposed From A Water Fountain http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/29/wall-planter-repurposed-from-a-water-fountain/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/29/wall-planter-repurposed-from-a-water-fountain/#comments Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:00:57 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Garden]]> <![CDATA[flowers]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=4161 <![CDATA[
Wall Planter Repurposed From A Water Fountain

Iā€™ve always wanted water fountain on our upper deck. I finally found one I liked- and it was on sale! It was a cute little faux-stone fiberglass number with faux-carved swirls and flowers and a little faux-spicket. I bought it and took my new acquisition home, dreaming of relaxing in my hammock on my upperĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/07/29/wall-planter-repurposed-from-a-water-fountain/feed/ 27 4161
Herb Drying Rack Repurposed From A Picture Frame http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/06/08/herb-drying-rack-picture-frame/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/06/08/herb-drying-rack-picture-frame/#comments Tue, 09 Jun 2015 03:23:43 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Garden]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=3561 <![CDATA[

Hey Friends! Long time no see šŸ˜‰ I like to dry my herbsĀ by hanging them off of shelves inĀ my enclosed pantry because it keeps the dust that gets on the drying herbs to a bare minimum.Ā Unfortunately,Ā when I try to get something off the shelvesĀ I inevitably brush against the drying herbs, which causes them to breakĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/06/08/herb-drying-rack-picture-frame/feed/ 28 3561
Squash Growing Racks Made Out Of Pallets http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/03/19/squash-growing-racks-pallets/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/03/19/squash-growing-racks-pallets/#comments Thu, 19 Mar 2015 17:30:58 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Garden]]> <![CDATA[pallets]]> <![CDATA[tutorials]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=3492 <![CDATA[
Squash Growing Racks Made From Pallets

Hey Friends! šŸ™‚ I have 4ā€² x 4ā€² raised beds in my veggie garden, and no matter what I do, my squash plants always outgrow them and run all over the gravel paths in between the beds. Iā€™ve even planted one right smack in the middle of a bed, and it still outgrewĀ it and ranĀ [readĀ more...]

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http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2015/03/19/squash-growing-racks-pallets/feed/ 7 3492
Ceramic Crock Garden Container Tutorial http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2013/04/20/ceramic-crock-garden-container/ http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/2013/04/20/ceramic-crock-garden-container/#respond Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:30:52 +0000 <![CDATA[Michelle]]> <![CDATA[DIY]]> <![CDATA[Garden]]> <![CDATA[upcycle]]> http://www.thepaintedhinge.com/?p=631 <![CDATA[

Hey all! Iā€™ve been busy trying to get my spring garden in on days that havenā€™t been crazy windyā€¦ nothing like trying to plant seeds while chasing wind-blown seed packets down the orchard! Last week I while picking up plants at our local garden supply I spotted this lovely variegatedĀ thymeĀ plant. I already had startedĀ some thymeĀ seedsĀ [readĀ more...]

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